Intern insights…

posted by Sara Metcalfe
13 August 2015

Intern insights…

Three of our US colleagues share their experience of Clarks

Sam - Marketing Intern

I’ve always loved the Clarks brand, so the chance to market something I’d already invested in personally was a really attractive opportunity.

Clarks is a well-organised, innovative company that cares about their customer’s needs (style, comfortability etc.). You can see this not only by looking at the technology behind some of the shoes but also by looking at the Clarks employees. The company is made up of people who really care about the Clarks brand and there seems to be a unified vision for what the brand is and where it could go.

Career wise I’ve been genuinely surprised. This is the first company I’ve worked at where there seems like there’s room for growth. I love the work environment and the people I’m working with, and as an intern I didn’t expect to have so much hands-on experience as I’m enjoying here. Working closely with some brilliant people is turning out to be an invaluable experience.

There’s always something new to experience and love about making a career here. I’d say my favourite highlight at Clarks was designing presentations for the SS16 Sales Conference; working closely with colleagues to come up with visually stimulating sales presentations was a great learning experience.  I’ve also had the chance to brush up and develop my communications skills, PowerPoint skills, marketing skills and loads more. 

As interns, Courtney and I have been really quickly integrated into the marketing team, and we’ve been able to work closely with company leadership. I can’t imagine it’s like that at many other companies, and I think working with and learning from people who are so well entrenched in the industry is an excellent way to grow and learn.

We’re very lucky to work in such an incredibly creative and bright environment. I kind of see it like the Google of shoes. Clarks is a very innovative and interesting brand in a laidback work environment. The people are friendly, easy to work with and fun to be around, we get great collaboration everywhere.

Outside of work I’m always trying to be busy on a few projects. I love writing, and have got back into blogging a lot. Right now I’m also assisting with a local community project in Jamaica Plain surrounding credit card fees at local businesses. I also try to travel as much as possible outside of work on the weekends.


Courtney - Marketing Intern

I already wore Clarks shoes so I knew the name but I also knew someone in the company who recommended the internship opportunity to me. I also admired the growth the company’s going through in becoming fashion forward so that clinched it for me.

People are a big part of what I enjoy here. The environment we work in is so comfortable and friendly that you feel you can learn a lot and be welcomed in many meetings, projects, and all sorts of other things. Clarks is very welcoming and diverse. Everyone is super friendly and passionate towards their work. I feel comfortable in asking questions, throwing around ideas, and learning from anyone that works in the office. Quite simply, the environment and people are great and it’s a great company to work for.

What’s more, the company actually wants you to develop and there’s a huge amount of flexibility for career movement - anything from marketing and buying and merchandising to finance and IT.  My own highlight so far would have to be experiencing the sales conference for SS16. It was great seeing how much work went into everything and how everyone interacted during the separate meetings. I’ve had some really good training on the company software such as portfolio.

When I’m not working, I like to chill so outside the office you’ll find me mostly hanging out with friends and family.


Kathryn - HR Intern

Personally, I liked Clarks charity partners such as Soul of Africa and miraclefeet. I also wanted to gain professional experience from a global company such as Clarks and that’s why I joined.  The very informal nature of the company as a whole was something that caught my attention right away. It seems to make everyone more comfortable in the work environment and just happier.

Being in HR I’m interested in people. I like the people I work with, and the casual environment of Clarks. The culture is also very supportive, making the work environment enjoyable.

Even at the corporate office in Newton, there are career opportunities in almost every field, from engineering to fashion.

Mainly, my internship is about being taught how to work and act in a professional environment while learning more about the on goings of human resource jobs.  So far, my highlight at Clarks is getting to know the people working around me. It’s nice to hear of their hobbies outside of work and families.

If I wasn’t going back to school in September, I’d be happy to have the opportunity to stay in such a friendly work environment like Clarks. I enjoy coming to work and I think that would be a great reason to stay.

In my free time I try to spend as much of it as I can with my family while still travelling around the East Coast with my friends on the weekends. I also enjoy staying active with various sports and activities.